In the heart of any city is a "Downtown". There was even a popular song written about it because it is so special. For years now, I have been lucky enough to be a part of creating music in the heart of Napa even when it was merely an idea to have a fantastic outdoor amphitheater. Sure, back then, it was fun to play in the tiny gazebo at Veteran's Park and there were a few cars that would honk as they drove by and waved in support... and I remember feeling excited to hear of the big amphitheater plans and thought "hey that would be neat". Flash forward a few years and no longer are musicians playing to a few park benches full of gleeful listeners, now we are a part of something much greater. Massive amphitheater concerts with children dancing (please keep them away from the speakers though for the preservation of their hearing). People even dress up their pets to join in the fun. It is full on family fun for all ages with a professional sound crew who work hard at doing what they do best... putting on one heck of a show! (Every Friday throughout the summer)
There was a sea of happy faces surrounding the stage at Napa City Nights and many were recognizable to us in some way or another. Playin a show like this can be somewhat like showing up at your own birthday party or the scene in the movie "Titanic" when Rose walks through the ballroom and everybody she's known in life and loves is standing there smiling and cheering at her. It can be very surreal and dream-like. You never know who you might see...
My only regret from this show was wearing my seemingly cool rock star pleather pants simply because I lost a few pounds and could "finally" fit into them. This jolt of enthusiasm overshadowed whether they actually looked flattering or not. My style watchdog pointed out later that I should never wear them again (I didn't know I had one either). The pants self-destructed at the end of the show magically splitting right down the middle in a "wardrobe malfunction" thankfully and now I will never have to deal with them again. Hey not everyone can be Olivia Newton John in Grease (note to self)!
I even saw my old high school teacher and anytime I see someone from that era of my life I remember how much of a handful I was and how much music has helped me grow as a person. Back then music and theater was a great outlet for me as is for any youth (troubled or otherwise). Though I was self-conscious about my speckled past, my former teacher didn't seem to recall what a pain I was (or who I was at all) so that made me feel a lot better.
All and all, I believe our band put on our best show ever! The sound crew was great and we were lucky enough to get a recording of the show.
We are grateful to again have been a part of the Napa City Nights Concerts and would like to thank the crew as well as the City of Napa.
Click here to see our video from Napa City Nights
Photos by Samantha Madnick -
For more info on Napa City Nights -
Other performers that day include: Johhny Smith and Whitney Nichole.