Hello friends and neighbors,
This weekend, I have a couple solo/duo shows if you are wanting to be out and about:
Saturday, September 4th at The Vacaville Art, Wine & Brew Festival Town Sq, Vacaville, CA 11:30-12:15p
Saturday, September 4th (same day) at Sticky Rice Restaurant in Fairfield 7:30-9:30p
Thanks and I look forward to seeing you!.
- Amber
Amber Snider is a folk, rock, blues, and country singer-songwriter in the San Francisco Bay Area. She delivers universal, high-energy & fun, reflective life stories through acoustic-electric music. Folk / Rock / Blues / Country = Amber-icana!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Cyndi "Freakin" Lauper @ The Uptown
OK, so I took a part-time job as a volunteer usher at a theater so I could get my live music fix. So please don't envy me by thinking I have tons of disposable income which affords me to go to a couple of shows a week or something. No, I am simply a music junkie looking to mainline some magical stage action straight into my soul.
The Uptown theater is gorgeous and the acts are great so no complaints over here (except please pick up your trash when you leave). Now if I can only perform my act on a stage like the one at the Uptown Theater... (oh please, oh please, I am so ready, I was born to be on that stage! Every time I see it I want to jump around on it and sing at the top of my lungs!!). Ahem. Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
Now imagine this. Cobalt blue lights streaming down endlessly long folds of drapery, enter a cherry-red ferociously wild and curly head of hair (think 80's crimped meets Marie Antoinette)and a short cheetah print mini skirt paired with a black-lace fringy wrap dress. Top that off with an amazing black shiny belt and platform heels to match! The woman knows how to dazzle her audience with appearance alone that is fo sho.
She tore into her first number with the megagusto of a cannon firing into the audience, including dancing down the aisles (usually people work up to this move) but she jumped right into the water. Amazing.
Granted, she did lose a few audience member's attention (most likely due to ADTD = Attention Deficit Theater Disorder) when she told lovely and endearing (though at times lengthy) stories in between songs... but on the other hand... Scaw-rew em'.
Now I feel like I have known the woman all my life because she feels comfortable enough to be herself on stage. This is hard to do yet she somehow made it look easy. What a pro...
She did many great, beloved blues songs and even some songs of her own. I am glad she did "True Colors", "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "She Bop" because if she hadn't, there may have been a riot (just an amateur observation).
I watched in awe as this woman who's music I grew up listening to, did stage gymnastics that I have never even considered and all I could think of was wow, she must be in really good shape.... vocally and otherwise. Sure, her band was smokin' hot, too, including harmonica legend, Charlie Musselwhite. What was extra special was hearing her play the lap steel guitar (she was great).
Tonight, I have learned a lot about showmanship as well as an artist's responsibility from Cyndi (we are only on a first name basis in my head, I couldn't even get close enough to her for a decent picture). But as she says and I quote "that's neither here nor there".
My point is that she used her larger-than-life "stage power" to help others feel "empowered" (I am not really quoting anyone just using the quote symbols for emphasis). She is a huge supporter of those who are treated unfairly and unequally in our society, specifically the gay and lesbian community and she spent time speaking out about Civil Rights and how change requires action from everyone. She is not only an amazing singer-songwriter-performer, she is also an activist/humanitarian and an inspiration to us all.
With stories of her humble beginnings as a DJ, and in the most adorable east coast Betty Boop voice and with enormous heart, she told her audience "so don't give up on yourself, cause' you neva know".
Thank you Cyndi, I needed that.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Music News
Hello friends and neighbors,
I have three words for you. Cyndi "Freakin" Lauper! Her and her band were amazing at the Uptown Theatre last night in Napa... (for more on this, please visit my blog at: ambersnider.blogspot.com)
Also, as the guys and I are wrapping up summer 2010, we'd like to thank you for supporting us at our various shows over the last few months. It was tons of fun! We saw old friends and made new ones (if you are reading this, you are our friend).
Don't worry if you have been crazy busy or meant to see a show but couldn't find a sitter, etc. You will have your chance.
In fact, this Saturday, August 21st, we are playing at The Rellik Tavern in Benicia from 9pm to Midnight!
Note: The Rellik Tavern is a happening spot so you may want to dandy up... in any case, they will let you in...21 and over please....
Also, here is a new video clip from our Napa City Nights show. Tell the truth. Are the effects too cheesy? I am no professional but it is kinda fun using all the bells an whistles.
And here is another video clip of our band (doing a Johnny Cash cover) with my momma on harp at the Glen cove Marina. WARNING: SUGGESTVE CONTENT
And finally, my CD Still Dreamin' is available through CD Baby.
iTunes should have it available in a matter of weeks.
Thanks and take care of yourself and others....
- Amber
I have three words for you. Cyndi "Freakin" Lauper! Her and her band were amazing at the Uptown Theatre last night in Napa... (for more on this, please visit my blog at: ambersnider.blogspot.com)
Also, as the guys and I are wrapping up summer 2010, we'd like to thank you for supporting us at our various shows over the last few months. It was tons of fun! We saw old friends and made new ones (if you are reading this, you are our friend).
Don't worry if you have been crazy busy or meant to see a show but couldn't find a sitter, etc. You will have your chance.
In fact, this Saturday, August 21st, we are playing at The Rellik Tavern in Benicia from 9pm to Midnight!
Note: The Rellik Tavern is a happening spot so you may want to dandy up... in any case, they will let you in...21 and over please....
Also, here is a new video clip from our Napa City Nights show. Tell the truth. Are the effects too cheesy? I am no professional but it is kinda fun using all the bells an whistles.
And here is another video clip of our band (doing a Johnny Cash cover) with my momma on harp at the Glen cove Marina. WARNING: SUGGESTVE CONTENT
And finally, my CD Still Dreamin' is available through CD Baby.
iTunes should have it available in a matter of weeks.
Thanks and take care of yourself and others....
- Amber
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Relay For Life - 2010
Not too many shows that we have done have the emotional impact of this important benefit for cancer research on Saturday, August 7, 2010 in Vallejo, CA. Raising over $264,000 and creating awareness, the event was a phenomenal success!
Our band played the last two hours of the event as well as for the ceremony at the end. As we performed our original song, "Morning Angels" and drummer, Ram Hatley and I sang "Let go of the fear", we looked over to the stadium bleachers and saw "HOPE" spelled out in candlelight. We had one of those amazing moments that made us feel like we were being put to some good use. Ten minutes later the same bleachers spelled out "CURE" magically as the ceremony was under way. As we were leaving by way of golf cart, a group of people were singing in unison as I was barely able to make out their silhouettes.
Many participants gave freely of their energies to support this worthy cause and made this two day Relay For Life event spectacular. It was truly an honor to be a part of it.
Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, Keith, Jeremy as well as all event crew for taking care of us.
Relay For Life
Our band played the last two hours of the event as well as for the ceremony at the end. As we performed our original song, "Morning Angels" and drummer, Ram Hatley and I sang "Let go of the fear", we looked over to the stadium bleachers and saw "HOPE" spelled out in candlelight. We had one of those amazing moments that made us feel like we were being put to some good use. Ten minutes later the same bleachers spelled out "CURE" magically as the ceremony was under way. As we were leaving by way of golf cart, a group of people were singing in unison as I was barely able to make out their silhouettes.
Many participants gave freely of their energies to support this worthy cause and made this two day Relay For Life event spectacular. It was truly an honor to be a part of it.
Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, Keith, Jeremy as well as all event crew for taking care of us.
Relay For Life
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Elmira Cabin
In a far away land beyond the corn and garden gnomes, over the river and through the wood, there lies a hidden treasure trove name "Elmira Cabin" and is headed by a vixen queen named "Felix".
This sets the backdrop for a perfect mini-concert created by Singer-Songwriter, Steve Siders
You can see him and Dan Hayes play here: Part 1
and here: Part 2
Finally, before my video camera ran out of battery life, I managed to catch one of my favorite local bands Serf & James
Along with other artists such as A Gang of Crows and half of Zombie Gaucho, this was a really great cast and crew. Mr. Snider & would gladly share the stage with this group anytime.
This sets the backdrop for a perfect mini-concert created by Singer-Songwriter, Steve Siders
You can see him and Dan Hayes play here: Part 1
and here: Part 2
Finally, before my video camera ran out of battery life, I managed to catch one of my favorite local bands Serf & James
Along with other artists such as A Gang of Crows and half of Zombie Gaucho, this was a really great cast and crew. Mr. Snider & would gladly share the stage with this group anytime.
Music News
Hello Friends,
I just wanted to let you know about our upcoming benefit show this Saturday, August 7th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in Vallejo at the:
Relay For Life!
Located at St. Patrick's High School
Here is an article from the Vallejo Times Herald:
Amber Snider Band drummer is Räm tough
By Rich Freedman / Times-Herald
For the Amber Snider Band, there's bar gigs, there's festival gigs, there's private party gigs.
Fun, sure. A few bucks? Usually. But few have the emotional impact of performing at next weekend's Vallejo Relay for Life, a fund-raiser and community gathering on behalf of the American Cancer Society.
"It really is a pleasure to be part of this event," said Räm Hatley, the ASB drummer. "It's all about raising awareness and celebrating life, both of which I believe are powerful tools when it comes to battling this disease."
Hatley saw the importance of attitude when it comes to cancer recovery.
"My grandmother dealt with some cancer issues and iron-willed a few more years before she was done," Hatley said. "I think that education and awareness go a long way and I can't wait to bring some positive vibes to the party. It's going to be a great time."
Part of an extensive entertainment schedule Aug. 7 at St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School's track oval, the ASB includes lead vocalist Amber Snider, Aaron Snider, and Dave Youdell.
Hatley said it's Amber's original tunes that attracted him to the band. No cover tunes for this kid from the Southwest with the unusual name. Or not, depending on origin.
"I'm a yoga kid," he said laughing. "It (Ram) is a pretty common name in India. Not so common for an Oklahoma farm boy. But I guess I'm kind of a by-product of the sociological melting pot of the '60s and '70s."
Räm -- pronounced Rom, as in CD-Rom -- says there's nothing like performing live.
"There is a collective sense of self, stylistically, emerging that hasn't been there in the past," he said, comparing it to studio recording. "It's the transition that happens in an original band; from playing what you think people want to hear to playing what you want people and yourself to hear. We've been talking about what performance is and how to create an intimate musical experience that draws attention with original material."
The public needs to hear Amber's tunes, he said.
"It's kind of a cross between modern pop and Lucinda Williams with a little Sticky Fingers style Rolling Stones and The Band thrown in," Hatley said. "Originality and palatability. If you don't like it, we may need to check your pulse."
A different first name. An all-original band. The only thing missing is a Czech wife. Bingo. Hatley's bride is, indeed, from Prague.
"I'll spare you the details but I do have a few ideas on immigration based on the experience," he said. "We're grateful every day to be together and get back to Prague whenever possible. It truly is a beautiful city."
Hatley's father-in-law is a jazz clarinet player and saxophonist.
"It's amazing that, with music being our only common language, we are as close as we are," he said. "That really is a wonderful relationship for me."
As for his wife's English, "it may not be flawless, but she can say anything with that accent and I don't mind hearing it," Hatley said.
Though the Relay for Life is outdoors with people walking the track and others around their 24-hour tents, it's bound to be a better situation than some gigs.
Take bar mitvahs. Good for the kid celebrating. Sometimes not so good for the band.
"It sounds fun in theory until they send you sheet music requests," Hatley said. "I've seen the best sight readers go down in flames trying to play that stuff."
As for drummer jokes, Hatley's likely heard 'em all. And he rolls with the beat.
"What does it mean when the drummer has drool coming out of both sides of his mouth?" Hatley said. "The stage is level."
Relay For Life of Vallejo
Sat 9am - Sun 9am, August 7-8, 2010 at St Patricks High School
Music is throughout the day:
Our Band will be performing at 6:30pm (sharp).
I just wanted to let you know about our upcoming benefit show this Saturday, August 7th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in Vallejo at the:
Relay For Life!
Located at St. Patrick's High School
Here is an article from the Vallejo Times Herald:
Amber Snider Band drummer is Räm tough
By Rich Freedman / Times-Herald
For the Amber Snider Band, there's bar gigs, there's festival gigs, there's private party gigs.
Fun, sure. A few bucks? Usually. But few have the emotional impact of performing at next weekend's Vallejo Relay for Life, a fund-raiser and community gathering on behalf of the American Cancer Society.
"It really is a pleasure to be part of this event," said Räm Hatley, the ASB drummer. "It's all about raising awareness and celebrating life, both of which I believe are powerful tools when it comes to battling this disease."
Hatley saw the importance of attitude when it comes to cancer recovery.
"My grandmother dealt with some cancer issues and iron-willed a few more years before she was done," Hatley said. "I think that education and awareness go a long way and I can't wait to bring some positive vibes to the party. It's going to be a great time."
Part of an extensive entertainment schedule Aug. 7 at St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School's track oval, the ASB includes lead vocalist Amber Snider, Aaron Snider, and Dave Youdell.
Hatley said it's Amber's original tunes that attracted him to the band. No cover tunes for this kid from the Southwest with the unusual name. Or not, depending on origin.
"I'm a yoga kid," he said laughing. "It (Ram) is a pretty common name in India. Not so common for an Oklahoma farm boy. But I guess I'm kind of a by-product of the sociological melting pot of the '60s and '70s."
Räm -- pronounced Rom, as in CD-Rom -- says there's nothing like performing live.
"There is a collective sense of self, stylistically, emerging that hasn't been there in the past," he said, comparing it to studio recording. "It's the transition that happens in an original band; from playing what you think people want to hear to playing what you want people and yourself to hear. We've been talking about what performance is and how to create an intimate musical experience that draws attention with original material."
The public needs to hear Amber's tunes, he said.
"It's kind of a cross between modern pop and Lucinda Williams with a little Sticky Fingers style Rolling Stones and The Band thrown in," Hatley said. "Originality and palatability. If you don't like it, we may need to check your pulse."
A different first name. An all-original band. The only thing missing is a Czech wife. Bingo. Hatley's bride is, indeed, from Prague.
"I'll spare you the details but I do have a few ideas on immigration based on the experience," he said. "We're grateful every day to be together and get back to Prague whenever possible. It truly is a beautiful city."
Hatley's father-in-law is a jazz clarinet player and saxophonist.
"It's amazing that, with music being our only common language, we are as close as we are," he said. "That really is a wonderful relationship for me."
As for his wife's English, "it may not be flawless, but she can say anything with that accent and I don't mind hearing it," Hatley said.
Though the Relay for Life is outdoors with people walking the track and others around their 24-hour tents, it's bound to be a better situation than some gigs.
Take bar mitvahs. Good for the kid celebrating. Sometimes not so good for the band.
"It sounds fun in theory until they send you sheet music requests," Hatley said. "I've seen the best sight readers go down in flames trying to play that stuff."
As for drummer jokes, Hatley's likely heard 'em all. And he rolls with the beat.
"What does it mean when the drummer has drool coming out of both sides of his mouth?" Hatley said. "The stage is level."
Relay For Life of Vallejo
Sat 9am - Sun 9am, August 7-8, 2010 at St Patricks High School
Music is throughout the day:
Our Band will be performing at 6:30pm (sharp).
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