OK, so I took a part-time job as a volunteer usher at a theater so I could get my live music fix. So please don't envy me by thinking I have tons of disposable income which affords me to go to a couple of shows a week or something. No, I am simply a music junkie looking to mainline some magical stage action straight into my soul.
The Uptown theater is gorgeous and the acts are great so no complaints over here (except please pick up your trash when you leave). Now if I can only perform my act on a stage like the one at the Uptown Theater... (oh please, oh please, I am so ready, I was born to be on that stage! Every time I see it I want to jump around on it and sing at the top of my lungs!!). Ahem. Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
Now imagine this. Cobalt blue lights streaming down endlessly long folds of drapery, enter a cherry-red ferociously wild and curly head of hair (think 80's crimped meets Marie Antoinette)and a short cheetah print mini skirt paired with a black-lace fringy wrap dress. Top that off with an amazing black shiny belt and platform heels to match! The woman knows how to dazzle her audience with appearance alone that is fo sho.
She tore into her first number with the megagusto of a cannon firing into the audience, including dancing down the aisles (usually people work up to this move) but she jumped right into the water. Amazing.
Granted, she did lose a few audience member's attention (most likely due to ADTD = Attention Deficit Theater Disorder) when she told lovely and endearing (though at times lengthy) stories in between songs... but on the other hand... Scaw-rew em'.
Now I feel like I have known the woman all my life because she feels comfortable enough to be herself on stage. This is hard to do yet she somehow made it look easy. What a pro...
She did many great, beloved blues songs and even some songs of her own. I am glad she did "True Colors", "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "She Bop" because if she hadn't, there may have been a riot (just an amateur observation).
I watched in awe as this woman who's music I grew up listening to, did stage gymnastics that I have never even considered and all I could think of was wow, she must be in really good shape.... vocally and otherwise. Sure, her band was smokin' hot, too, including harmonica legend, Charlie Musselwhite. What was extra special was hearing her play the lap steel guitar (she was great).
Tonight, I have learned a lot about showmanship as well as an artist's responsibility from Cyndi (we are only on a first name basis in my head, I couldn't even get close enough to her for a decent picture). But as she says and I quote "that's neither here nor there".
My point is that she used her larger-than-life "stage power" to help others feel "empowered" (I am not really quoting anyone just using the quote symbols for emphasis). She is a huge supporter of those who are treated unfairly and unequally in our society, specifically the gay and lesbian community and she spent time speaking out about Civil Rights and how change requires action from everyone. She is not only an amazing singer-songwriter-performer, she is also an activist/humanitarian and an inspiration to us all.
With stories of her humble beginnings as a DJ, and in the most adorable east coast Betty Boop voice and with enormous heart, she told her audience "so don't give up on yourself, cause' you neva know".
Thank you Cyndi, I needed that.
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