I just wanted to let you know about our upcoming benefit show this Saturday, August 7th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in Vallejo at the:
Relay For Life!
Located at St. Patrick's High School
Here is an article from the Vallejo Times Herald:
Amber Snider Band drummer is Räm tough
By Rich Freedman / Times-Herald
For the Amber Snider Band, there's bar gigs, there's festival gigs, there's private party gigs.
Fun, sure. A few bucks? Usually. But few have the emotional impact of performing at next weekend's Vallejo Relay for Life, a fund-raiser and community gathering on behalf of the American Cancer Society.
"It really is a pleasure to be part of this event," said Räm Hatley, the ASB drummer. "It's all about raising awareness and celebrating life, both of which I believe are powerful tools when it comes to battling this disease."
Hatley saw the importance of attitude when it comes to cancer recovery.
"My grandmother dealt with some cancer issues and iron-willed a few more years before she was done," Hatley said. "I think that education and awareness go a long way and I can't wait to bring some positive vibes to the party. It's going to be a great time."
Part of an extensive entertainment schedule Aug. 7 at St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School's track oval, the ASB includes lead vocalist Amber Snider, Aaron Snider, and Dave Youdell.
Hatley said it's Amber's original tunes that attracted him to the band. No cover tunes for this kid from the Southwest with the unusual name. Or not, depending on origin.
"I'm a yoga kid," he said laughing. "It (Ram) is a pretty common name in India. Not so common for an Oklahoma farm boy. But I guess I'm kind of a by-product of the sociological melting pot of the '60s and '70s."
Räm -- pronounced Rom, as in CD-Rom -- says there's nothing like performing live.
"There is a collective sense of self, stylistically, emerging that hasn't been there in the past," he said, comparing it to studio recording. "It's the transition that happens in an original band; from playing what you think people want to hear to playing what you want people and yourself to hear. We've been talking about what performance is and how to create an intimate musical experience that draws attention with original material."
The public needs to hear Amber's tunes, he said.
"It's kind of a cross between modern pop and Lucinda Williams with a little Sticky Fingers style Rolling Stones and The Band thrown in," Hatley said. "Originality and palatability. If you don't like it, we may need to check your pulse."
A different first name. An all-original band. The only thing missing is a Czech wife. Bingo. Hatley's bride is, indeed, from Prague.
"I'll spare you the details but I do have a few ideas on immigration based on the experience," he said. "We're grateful every day to be together and get back to Prague whenever possible. It truly is a beautiful city."
Hatley's father-in-law is a jazz clarinet player and saxophonist.
"It's amazing that, with music being our only common language, we are as close as we are," he said. "That really is a wonderful relationship for me."
As for his wife's English, "it may not be flawless, but she can say anything with that accent and I don't mind hearing it," Hatley said.
Though the Relay for Life is outdoors with people walking the track and others around their 24-hour tents, it's bound to be a better situation than some gigs.
Take bar mitvahs. Good for the kid celebrating. Sometimes not so good for the band.
"It sounds fun in theory until they send you sheet music requests," Hatley said. "I've seen the best sight readers go down in flames trying to play that stuff."
As for drummer jokes, Hatley's likely heard 'em all. And he rolls with the beat.
"What does it mean when the drummer has drool coming out of both sides of his mouth?" Hatley said. "The stage is level."
Relay For Life of Vallejo
Sat 9am - Sun 9am, August 7-8, 2010 at St Patricks High School
Music is throughout the day:
Our Band will be performing at 6:30pm (sharp).
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